A pair of shoes can change your life. A new haircut makes you feel like a new woman. That LBD makes you feel like a MILLLION dollars.
I’m not sure if any of these are true. I’ll tell you one thing though. An old pair of shoes, the same ol’ haircut, and a lack of LBD in your wardrobe makes you feel like the 1p change that no one waits around for.
I love shopping. I also love non-shopping. Non-shopping, in short, is when you spend hours at a time looking at clothes you want – but would never bother buying because you know you’d never wear them. So, a waste of time, basically.
Take the midi skirt (or don’t, in my case). I think these are nifty little things – not too short, not too long, casual and formal... what’s not to like? Well, I’m pretty sure if I was wearing one, I’d look like one of those piping bags used to decorate the tops of cakes. Can I imagine myself wearing one with a cute blouse and ankle boots to work? Yes. Can I see myself pairing one with a crop top and some heels for a night out? Absolutely! Will either of these situations ever materialise? Doubt it.
I have such a Love/Hate relationship with my wardrobe that I’d go as far to say it actually affects my mood in everyday life. Healthy, right? Who else wakes up in the morning with plenty of time to get ready for work, but then stands staring aimlessly into their wardrobe for 25 minutes in the hopes that something, anything is going to catch your eye that you don’t totally hate? That in itself will put me in a bad mood before I’ve even left the house. Sometimes, on particularly fragile days, I even get mad when I can’t find matching underwear.
So that got me thinking – does an organised wardrobe make for an organised life? I’m very much an impulse buyer – buy now and find something I already own to pair it with later. Maybe if I was more tactical in how I shopped, I wouldn’t find it such a task to get ready in the morning/succeed at life. I can see it now…
Oh yeah – I’m going to get this “I made my lunch last night so I can sleep in this morning” shirt and wear it with these “all the housework was done at the weekend, so I'm spending tonight watching Made In Chelsea and drinking wine” trousers. Not forgetting the “I bought this art for the lounge straight from a gallery” shoes and a “I'm totally over that relationship – and you” matching set.
Anyone fancy a shopping trip?

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