Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Wearing the trousers.

I love that my last two words on the last post were: "I'll write."
Then... nothing.

Had you going for a while there didn't I? Apologies for staying away - the combination of moving house, no internet in the new flat and working through my lunch hours has resulted in complete radio silence recently. But no more! I have returned to bring you a ramble about relationships and some pictures of pretty clothes - hurray!

So my issue today is with being a psycho girlfriend. Or in my case - not being a psycho girlfriend. Confused? Me too.
When it comes to who wears the trousers in their relationship, this is what I've noticed:
Those who say they wear the trousers are lying, because they know better than to upset their significant - trouser wearing, relationship ruling - other. Those who say they don't, do so in a smug manner that so obviously proves that they are never out of their favourite pair.

Pretty trousers: Courtesy of Asos.
I can honestly say that in my relationship - we're all about skirts. No, Ewan is not a crossdresser - I just think we're both chilled enough to not take control of the relationship and make it one sided.
I know - if we were chocolate I'd eat us, right?

One doomed day recently, when Ewan let words tumble from his mouth, unaware of what was around the corner, we found ourselves discussing this very subject. Then boo let slip that his friends seem to think I let him off his leash too much. 
Oh hell no.
Firstly - I'm dating a crossdresser, not a dog.
Secondly - If he needs a leash, then we have problems more serious than who wears trousers and who doesn't.
Thirdly - I'm just not a psycho girlfriend. Soz.

I know you might think I should jump to the defence of womankind here and say that we're not psychos, we're just misunderstood, men make us this way...but I won't. Bitches be cray.
My problem is, I now feel like I'm being criticised for not being a psycho. 
Are they all having a right good laugh about how he does whatever he wants and I just "allow it"? Does Ewan join in? Does he think he can do what he wants without considering me?
Suddenly, before you know it - you're psycho girlfriend personified. 

Take my advice - try out a skirt once and a while. It could make things a whole lot easier.

Friday, 18 October 2013

This Huge Pond.

When I started blogging a couple of months ago, I was never really sure if anyone would read it. As you all know, the Blogging pond is the biggest of them all... and I'm a teeny tiny little fish in it. A tadpole, even.

But now, I find myself checking on a daily basis if page views have gone up/comments have been left/Instagram has been liked as if my life depends on it. I'm really thankful for all the people who tune into Me, Myself And... 
but you're all a bunch of bloody teases.

I think if you've enjoyed reading a post, you should want to follow the blog, but I would hate to be one of these people who pesters other bloggers for follows ("follow 4 follow?" Gurrrl, please.). If someone is here, reading what I've written, I want them to actually take it in and enjoy it. Or have a bit of a laugh. Or even hate it and troll all over my page! The point is, they're reading it. That's what matters. 

It's quite an intimidating community to come into - always wondering 'how did she make her blog look like that? How does she have so many followers? Is my writing as good as theirs?'
But it's important when starting out to stay true to what you wanted to achieve with the blog. I wanted somewhere to write, because I love it. I also wanted to post about clothes, because I love them. Writing is what makes me happy, not page views.

So yes, I hope that one day my blog will find its way to some loyal followers. But until then...

 I'll write.


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

The Double Discount.

I'm in the process of moving, so my life is a bit of a shambles at the moment and I don't have an internet connection yet.

I'm supposed to be working through my lunch today... but I had to do a quick post for all the H&M lovers out there. I've just bought myself these amazing £20 autumn boots - for £10! 

Go to this link for the codes you'll need. Remember; one code will only work as a new customer, and you need to apply that one first. Somehow at the moment there are TWO discount codes working together on sale items... GO AND USE IT RIGHT NOW.

I apologise for the aggressive nature of this post - but it's too good to miss!


Friday, 11 October 2013

My Beef with Brief Encounter.

Why are guys such assholes? They weren't always assholes, were they?
Yes, they were. 
For those of you who haven't seen it, Brief Encounter is a b&w film from 1945. Here is the plot summary from IMDB:
"At a café in a railway station, housewife Laura Jesson meets doctor Alec Harvey. Although they are both already married, they gradually fall in love with each other. They continue to meet every Thursday at the small café, although they know that their love is impossible.

Laura Jesson and Dr. Alec Harvey spend each Thursday in Milford - Laura running her shopping errands and catching a movie picture and Alec doing rounds at the hospital - before each boards a train at the end of the afternoon going in the opposite direction to their respective homes. They meet accidentally enough in the Milford Junction refreshment room while waiting for their respective trains when Alec helps Laura remove a piece of coal dust from her eye. Over the course of a few weeks seeing each other only on Thursdays, Laura and Alec fall in love. The problem is that each is already happily married with a family, and neither wants to hurt their own spouse. Laura tries unsuccessfully to avoid meeting up with Alec as her emotional need to see him takes over. They have to decide how to deal with what looks to be a doomed but life long romance with each other, while hiding their encounters from anyone, especially their friends and acquaintances who may see them together in Milford. "
Okay, first of all I just want to say - I do love this movie. I am in no way bashing the film. Both characters are adorable and it didn't take long for me to start rooting for them. But when bitches be walking around train stations preying on other people's husbands... I just can't sit quietly!

While it's all very well finding love when you least expect it and embarking on a whimsical and exciting new journey of love - married folks are a no go! The way they sympathetically portrayed adultery in the film angered me a little...but as I thought more about it, it just made me laugh. If something like that happened in the present day, there would almost definitely be a public shaming on Twitter, a lie-detector test on Jeremy Kyle and ultimately, a double page spread real life story of some jilted lover in Take A Break.

I wonder, if the same sort of attitude was still held today, would there be more or less affairs?
More or less people finding their true love - albeit finding them too late?
Would people have memberships on trains rather than dating websites in a bid to find their suitor?

I know - I'm getting ridiculous. But my point still stands. Cheating = bad, no matter the generation.
Shame on you, classic black and white movie!  
Don't even get me started on An Affair To Remember...


Saturday, 5 October 2013

My Bangs.

So I've been toying with the idea of having a fringe cut recently, which is pretty out of character for me - I'm about as adventurous with my haircuts as I am with my choice of hairstyle (straight or wavy... that's your lot folks), but I decided to stop being such a big girls blouse about it and booked the appointment. Here's some before and afters!


Contemplating the fringe...

Why don't my curls always sit like this?!

Hello fringe!

Well? What do we think?


Friday, 4 October 2013

Autumn Crazies.

I can't say I have a favourite season. I look forward to one as much as the next, and then moan about each one just the same when it eventually comes around. There are certain habits though, that we appear to adopt at the turn of a new season that, to be honest, make us all seem a little mad. Here are just a few things that we deem completely acceptable when the cold weather sets in...

The first and most obvious - moan about the cold weather.
Drink copious amounts of tea or coffee to warm yourself up rather than just throwing on another layer.
Use the turn in weather as a valid excuse to buy an entire new wardrobe and shun everything else you have owned up until this moment.
Go to bed 2 hours earlier than usual because its ‘so dark outside’.
That run you keep saying you’ll go for? Not now - s'too cold. Maybe next year when Spring sets in…
Justify paying £4 for a coffee because of Starbucks' cute little red Christmas cups.
Soup isn't a boring diet meal anymore - it's a necessity to stay alive. 
Start popping the paracetamol on a daily basis in a desperate, but doomed, attempt to fend off the flu making it's way round the office.
Eat three times the usual amount of carbs now that we are a safe distance from Bikini Season and running into the arms of Sweater Season.
Stop wasting your time checking the weather forecast because you now know the answer will almost always be: Rain.
Buy a hat. Never wear it.
Nap. Nap all the time.

Image: Google

Does anyone else have some Autumn crazies they'd like to share? 
Every one of you who don't reply are dirty, dirty liars.


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Pull And Bear

Run bank card. Run for your life.
I've found Pull and Bear.
I've tried really hard since coming home from the holiday not to go browsing around clothes websites. The fact that I'm skint should be reason enough, never mind the fact we're moving to our new flat this month. But I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to the odd cheeky browsing session that inevitable turns into buying...
I call it "brying".
So here is the next temptress I have stumbled across - Pull And Bear.
The first thing I notice about potential new websites is the layout of the page - a poor website can put me off before I've even had a proper look because I think - poor quality website = poor quality clothes.
This isn't an issue with this website. It's simplistic but stylish, the models are babes and it's really easy to navigate around. I know, I know - how hard can a clothes website be right? But I object to anything that delays these brand spankin' new items from being mine.
On my Pay Day List (which is getting longer and longer by the day) this month is the Safari jacket with leather sleeves above. Not too pricey at £59.99, it's a much more sensible choice than some of the pink/grey coats I've been flirting with this season. Another thing I've noticed recently is my attraction to yellow. I couldn't have cared less about yellow before now, so why in Autumn have I developed such a craving for it? I don't know and I don't care... I just gotta get me some yellow.
I should also mention they do accessories, footwear, jewellery, bags, scarves...
Oh dear.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

My Face

I've decided to do a quick post with a few things I've enjoyed slapping on my mug lately. I'm terrible for sticking to the same old makeup routine, but I noticed recently that I was still using my "better wear 14 layers of makeup to hide all my blemishes" materials, when actually... my skin had cleared up pretty well. So I decided, after being on holiday, that I would tone it down a bit and try let some of these pesky little freckles show through, and these are some of my new favourite products!
So first up is Georgia sporting the Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation. They've had many a variation of Stay Matte before but I'd never really rated them. This however, is a mousse consistency - which seems to agree with my skin more than liquid foundations do. 
  •  This foundation goes a long way - so don't be startled by the size of the tube like I was. I've been using it for two weeks now and it doesn't feel like it's getting any emptier!
  • The texture is so soft on your face, and it gives an even medium coverage that can easily be built up without 'caking on'. 
  • This stuff has staying power. Take it from the girl who used to battle the daily 3 o'clock oil slide when my makeup had decided it was done with my slippery face and headed for greener pastures on my neck. Not only that, it pretty much held its own all day when I was on holiday and the sun was out. 
Next is the Kiko Like Latex Lipstick. I hadn't really heard much of Kiko but their products are pretty reasonably priced so I figured I'd give it a go. And I'm glad I did!
  • Don't be put off by the condom sounding name and the condom looking box. Look past that, and everything will be fine.
  • There are a few colours to choose from, but I went for a really deep plum colour which I love.
  • When wearing a dark colour on my lips I would usually slap on some Lipcote over the top to seal the colour but with Kiko, there's just no need. 
  • Some lipsticks can dry out your lips after they've been on for a while (does anyone else find themselves biting their lips more with lippy on?) but not this guy! I guess that's where the whole latex thing comes from but, again, imagine their not comparing it to rubbing a condom on your mouth.
As you may have read in my last post, it wasn't particularly sunny on holiday last week, but I had already thought of that...
  • Holiday Skin is one of the only 'No Streaks' products I have used which genuinely have no streaks every time.
  • I wasn't keen on the smell at first, but once it has dried in you hardly notice it.
  • It comes in a few different shades, so that the colour will still remain natural as you build it up.
  • They also do a Face Moisturiser version -  it's in a much smaller bottle, meaning you can take with you on holiday and sneakily apply to face and body after a shower to give the illusion of a natural tan without your boyfriend spotting it. Thus leading to him admiring how well your tan turned out despite some bad weather when you return home...Ahem.
Finally, this is the Caudalie Divine Oil. I orginially got this in a Glossybox last year and wasn't entirely sure what I was supposed to do with it. It claims on the bottle you can use it on face, body and hair, but my face was feeling particularly thirsty at the time so I decided to commit to the face.
  • It smells amazing - I can't for the life of me remember what kind of lotions and potions are in it, but trust me - it's good.
  • For someone who has quite oily skin, I was apprehensive about using an oil on my face. But this product soaks in almost immediately and leaves your face soft as a baby's behind.
  • It lasts a long time. I have been using the sample size on and off for a year now and I have only just run out. At £18.00 a bottle it might seem a little pricey, but it's definitely on my list of things to buy next pay day (who needs to eat anyway?).

So that's it - a beauty ramble and a half! I promise they won't happen too often... the makeup routine has just recently changed so you're safe now for a good 5/6 years.


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

The Hollister Hoody.

I'm alive and well - although not quite as tanned as I'd like to be.
I'm sure you've all been shiftily hanging around my blog wondering what the story is - well, here it is...
With the sun on my face and a drink in my hand, I didn't even mind that I had spent the wee hours of that morning sitting on my suitcase, trying to trap the many outfits I deemed necessary for a one week holiday (every week is fashion week in Bulgaria - didn't you know?) from maxi dresses to leather skirts and everything in between.
What I did mind, was the fact that 90% of what I packed was never even worn. I was fully prepared for a few items to sit idle in the bottom of the suitcase - although I would never have admitted that to my 'three tshirts and a pair of clean pants will do me' travel companion.
What I did mind, was the icy cold wind that set in after the sun snuck off every night, making each and every one of my carefully planned evening outfits laughable. I made it halfway through dinner on the first night before deciding I wasn't hardcore enough to battle the cold in the name of fashion, and took myself to one of the many stalls on the strip to purchase another layer.

As you can probably imagine - my choice was limited. After a lap around the makeshift stall, I chose a maroon Hollister Hoody. The real deal, of course, setting me back a cool 25 leva (about twelve quid). As I wrapped myself up in all its counterfeit beauty, I didn't even care if it was going to disintegrate in the wash... right now, it was my best friend. 

The friendship quickly blossomed - we were practically inseperable. Not a single cloud could dampen my spirits when Hollister Hoody was around - she had my back. Literally. 
Little did I know our whirlwind friendship was doomed from the start. The next night I didn't think twice about wearing it, determined not to have my heart broken by the icy winds of the night again. But nothing could prepare me for what I was about to witness...

Sunny Beach was having a Hollister Hoody party - and everyone was invited. Not only was I walking past people my own age wearing the exact same hoody in an array of colours, I was also avoiding eye contact with the many freezing middle aged women in the same get up. It's like we were all a part of some huge cosy pub crawl. I was just thanking my lucky stars I hadn't gone all out and bought the matching joggers - I would have insisted Ewan left me there for the rest of my days.

Here is the little scoundrel on a particularly cloudy day (please ignore my lack of effort in the rest of my appearance - I was on holiday for gahd's sake). Oh, and a big ass ice cream. 
