My favourite part of a salad is the croutons.
My favourite type of fruit is piled high on a cheesecake.
My favourite type of water is the stuff dripping from the ice in my gin.
There's a chubby little pattern going on here, incase you hadn't noticed.
Being healthy should be right there at the top of my priority list. I know this. We all know this. But a lot of us don't take it seriously enough - I know I don't!
Oh, hey - I'm just having a little snack...
I'm not a skinny minnie, and I love my food. I must have a decent metabolism for all the rubbish I shovel into my tum on a daily basis! Recently I've started working out regularly(er than before...) and drinking a lot more water - which I can confirm does wonders for your skin and energy... just like everyone has been saying this whole time. Who knew eh!
Something that I'd never thought about when I got into blogging was the amount I'd learn from other bloggers. The amount of recipes/exercises/motivational stories I've read have really contributed towards the (small) changes I've been making to my lifestyle recently.
High five, bloggers!
High five, bloggers!
For any other hungry little hamsters like me, here are some lifestyle/fitness blogs that I love!
Meet Faya - Let her feed you, dress you, and hurt your muscles. Warning: girl crush likely.
This website has hundreds of recipes for you to choose from - the majority are user friendly and they're all pretty good for you! Win win.
I only recently came across Natalie's blog but I find it really refreshing to read. She isn't a health professional/doesn't seem to get involved in any fad diets - she's just a girl who wants to eat healthy and have a right good sweaty workout!
This website has hundreds of recipes for you to choose from - the majority are user friendly and they're all pretty good for you! Win win.
I only recently came across Natalie's blog but I find it really refreshing to read. She isn't a health professional/doesn't seem to get involved in any fad diets - she's just a girl who wants to eat healthy and have a right good sweaty workout!
It's the beginning of March and the start of my 30 day birthday shred. I'm trying something I haven't tried before - losing weight without a diet. Just healthy eating, regular excercise and a few treats in between to keep me on the wagon. I don't think I'll be blogging about it, but I may just post pictures of my post-squat booty/sweaty pits on my Instagram.
Don't all rush over there at once!

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