I don’t even want to get into the topic of balls, or how
much time men spend fondling them. But ol’ Carrie was definitely onto something
here… I do feel naked without my bag.
The insecurity that comes with going bag
free in public is baffling – especially considering the fact that nothing of
any great importance is ever in there. 99% of the time, my bag is essentially
made up of makeup that’s not even on my face that day… and a never-ending stock
of receipts (Sidenote: I never return anything anyway). But without it, I just
feel incomplete.
Boys do not understand this turmoil.
It’s usually a toss-up between “Why do you need a huge bag – what’s in here?!” and “It’s tiny – what could you possibly fit in
here?!” but my answer is always the same – MIND YO’ BUSINESS.
Yes, we may ask you to hold our bag occasionally when we
have more important stuff to tend to. But that doesn’t mean that we like
knowing the bag is right there, by our side should we need it. Yes, we probably
will change our entire outfit in favour of the bag if, when asked “Does this bag go with my outfit?, you
hesitate for even a millisecond. And no, we won’t stop our mad bag-lady ways,
so quit bugging us about it.
Back off, boys - you're fighting a losing battle. Put it this way - what if we told you that you couldn’t
rearrange your bits/heat your mits/grab em in a LAD like manner in public for
a whole day? Carnage. It would be utter carnage.

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