You can't see it - but I've got my serious face on today.
I think my obsession with the Cloon began in his ER days - that's right, before McDreamy we had Dr Doug.
I think my obsession with the Cloon began in his ER days - that's right, before McDreamy we had Dr Doug.
What up, doc?
That's not why we're here - well, probably not why you're here. The reason I've invited him along to the blog today is a specific quote from an interview he did recently, that inspired me to write on this specific subject.
"Home is where my friends and family are. I spend 8 months a year in a one bedroom hotel room in a city I probably wouldn't vacation in. But no city... no space... fails to be a home if your family or friends can find the time to visit. I get desperately, desperately homesick if I can't find a way to be near the people that bring joy wherever they go. Home is humour, and love, and responsibility - and I get homesick when the people who know that best, and I, can't find time to be together."
George, you inspirational minx.
Having lived away from home while at university, gone travelling through Europe and catching a flight to Australia last year - I'm not one to get too attached to places. I've noticed since moving for a new job that 'home' to me is not just the place that I'm in, it's the people who make it and the memories you share with them (that was beautiful - someone get Hallmark on the phone) that can make you feel so far away. Granted, George's 'one bedroom hotel room' is probably the size of my entire flat - but I see where the fella is coming from.
I'm glad that at 23yrs old, I've been able to move around as much as I have, but I'm not finished yet. I hope someday to live in some of the biggest cities in the world - for love, money, work or to maybe the biggest mistake of my life. Who cares - it's all experience, right? Leaving home gives you a totally different perspective of what home really is. A perspective that proves helpful whenever you feel overwhelmed and are left wondering if you should just pack it all in and go back to where you came from. Home is where I am now. Home is where my friends and family come to visit me. Home is where I cram all of my clothes into the wardrobes that are never, ever big enough.
Where is home to you?

I've been travelling since I was quite young as I grew up in the scouts so I was used to weekends away and two weeks away from my parents every year since I was about 7. I think this made me more independent and i don't ever remember a time that I was homesick. Although I'm 21 and still live in the house I grew up in. I definitely consider this home, but I don't necessarily want to anymore. I want to move out and find my own home - I think it's something I missed out on by staying here and commuting to uni!
I think it's really good to move around from a young age! I shortlisted my uni options down to anywhere that I'd have to move away for haha - and I'm so glad now that I did! xx