That's been my life lately. I've been immersing myself in all things New York Fashion Week, and I've loved it. What originally started as a mission to get a grip on the key trends for A/W, has turned into a big learning curve for me in terms of designers, events and fashion week veterans. LFW has already kicked off, and I'm ready to get stuck in all over again! Aside from eyeing up the street style, I've been hooked on the styling of the models. Without fail, every one of them perfectly put together - not a hair out of place, not a pose out of sync - until I spied this little livewire from the Rochas show...
They say a picture paints a thousand words. I couldn't possibly guess em all, but I would bet this photo includes the words tequila, dancing and hangover. After finding it online, I went looking for the rest of the collection - hoping to find some party girl runway show with models gettin' on down to Macklemore tunes - but the rest of the girls were decidedly more put together. Had I been there, I probably would have stormed the catwalk, offered this poor lass a cuddle, a cup of tea, and invited her on my next night out. Models seem like such graceful creatures - it had never occurred to me that they could be just as disgraceful as us after a few too many gins.
If there's one trend from fashion week that I hope will be surfacing in the new season - it's this 'haven't-been-home-yet-and-need-a-dominos ' look... after perfecting it for years, I knew the fashion folks would eventually catch on. Lets call it 'Gin Chic', yes?
Just a side note - Marsel Rochas abandoned his career in law to open his first maison du couture just so that he could afford to dress his wife in style.
They sure don't make em like Rochas anymore...

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